Upcoming Event

Diamond Way Buddhist Meditation Centre in Wrocław

Our centre is one of more than 600 meditation centres established by Lama Ole Nydahl and Hannah Nydahl on the 16th Karmapa’s request. At the moment , all the centres function under the guidance of the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje, who is currently the head of the thousand-year-old Tibetan Buddhism tradition of Karma Kagyu lineage.

Karma Kagyu centres are places where Buddhists meet regularly during common meditations and everybody is welcome to visit.

Apart from meditations which take place a few times a week, you can also participate in introductory lectures about the Buddha’s teaching, dedicated for both new people and more advanced practitioners, meditation weekends, workshops and Buddhist art exhibitions.


Three levels of teachings, which were transmitted 2,500 years ago by Buddha Shakyamuni, constitute the authentic foundation of all Buddhist schools. These teachings are adapted to the needs of different Buddha’s students.

You can read more at buddyzm.pl

16th Karmapa

16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje was one of the greatest Buddhist teachers and meditation masters of our times. He visited the West on several occasions giving lectures in many countries.

You can read more at buddyzm.pl

Lama Ole Nydahl

Lama Ole Nydahl is one of the few highly qualified lamas and meditation teachers in the school of the Karma Kagyu Buddhist tradition in the West.

You can read more at buddyzm.pl

17th Karmapa

Trinlej Thaye Dorje is the main Lama of the Diamond Way Buddhism Karma Kagyu Lineage. He is the spiritual leader of all the centres establishes by Lama Ole Nydahl.

You can read more at buddyzm.pl


Buddhism is a set of teachings about mind’s nature that were transmitted by historical Buddha Shakyamuni, who lived and taught 2,500 years ago in northern India. The goal of Buddhist practice is to reach a complete realisation of mind’s potential and to experience lasting happiness –enlightenment. Everyone can realise that and that’s the reason why Buddhism is called a religion of experience. Buddhism consists of many traditions, schools and styles of practice. Diamond Way Karma Kagyu Lineage embraces the most fascinating part of Buddhist teachings and is perfect for independent, fully joyful people..

You can find more information at buddyzm.pl.

The best word to describe the Buddha’s teachings is a word he himself used. For 1,500 years these teachings were practiced in India under the name “dharma”, and for the last thousand years as “choe” in Tibet. They both mean "the way things are". Understanding how the things work is a key to the lasting happiness. Buddha himself is a teacher, an example, a friend and a protector. He helps us and all beings to avoid suffering and to experience the states of more and more intense joy and happiness, as well as to lead others to Liberation and Enlightenment. Buddhism is, therefore, something very practical, something you can apply directly in your life. When people asked Buddha what, and why, he was teaching, he was always answering in the same way: “I teach because you and all beings want to reach happiness and avoid sufferings. I teach the way things are”

Lama Ole Nydahl, „The Way Things Are”

Meditations in the centre take place every day. Everyone can participate. They last for about half an hour and do not require any preparation or knowledge of some complicated texts or wearing special clothes. They are guided in Polish and are free of charge. Every Sunday the meditation is guided in English.

Buddhist meditation is a precise method for working with mind. It calms mind and makes it independent of constantly changing conditions. The goal is to liberate mind from all the weaknesses and limitations and to fully develop all its perfect qualities, in particular a fearless wisdom, a spontaneous joy and an active compassion.

Every Tuesday, half an hour before the meditation, you can meet with somebody in the centre who can give the basic explanations. in Polish. Every first Sunday of the month at 18:30 you can also listen to the basic explanations in English.

Daily 16th Karmapa Meditation

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I 20:00
Saturday, Sunday and Monday I 19:00


Zapraszamy codziennie na prowadzoną medytację 16 Karmapy.

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Diamond Way Buddhist Center Wrocław
ul. Ruska 47/48a
50-079 Wrocław

Entrance from the backyard, 4th floor.

In the following link, you can check how to get to the centre by public transport


Łukasz Stecko: +48 693 327 710
Piotr Gromuł: +48 502 130 750 
Grzegorz Moskal +48 509 488 784


You can contact us at wroclaw@diamondway-center.org
For all the news write to news.wroclaw@buddyzm.pl

Our bank account

Buddyjski Związek Diamentowej Drogi Linii Karma Kagyu

Account number: 19 1020 1866 0000 1502 0095 2408
IBAN: PL19102018660000150200952408
Transfer title: Darowizna na cele kultu religijnego

Additional information

Buddhist Diamond Way Association of Karma Kagyu Lineage is a religious association officially registered in Poland since 1984. It is a part of the worldwide network of Buddhist centres representing Karma Kagyu lineage – one of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The centres were established by Lama Ole Nydahl and they function under the spiritual guidance of H.H. 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje, the head of our tradition.